Introducing Hurricane Lobo....

Well, I got a very kewl note on my diary this morning and thought to myself that I should add a little entry for Lobo21 so that he can see my Lobo :D

This is my 3 month old puppy Lobo. He was given to me by one of my very best friends Gwen for Christmas. He is the light of my life behind my kids of course and a mess to be honest... Every morning I wake up to a hurricane lol... but he talks which we have taught him to say so far "I love you" and "hungry" lol.. it is pretty kewl... He is my first Husky ever and I am loving every moment of him. He has learned to potty on a potty pad in the house and is about to start outside potty training in a week cause I had to wait till he gets all his parvo shots before I could let him out in my yard... As my last puppy died from Parvo and we don't know how he got it I am being very careful with this one... I refuse to lose him to that horrible horrible desease... it was sad to watch Loki (he was a newfounderland and huge at 8 weeks and 45 pounds) die from it and there was nothing we could do... :( There is no cure for Parvo :( So, Lobo21 I hope you enjoyed the photo of my puppy... and I would say get one if you can they are a joy to have around... just be careful with the chewing and get it lots of toys lol...

They are very very smart dogs. Lobo talks, is potty trained to a pad, knows sit and stay and his name. He is amazing for only being 3 months old. This is definatly one dog that is very smart and easy to train. He also goes to the door when he wants out to potty but at this time I can not let him out in the backyard (only in the front and we dont want him pottying there...) so he gives up and goes to his pad instead.

I was truely blessed to get a wonderful puppy who brings laughter to my day with his silliness and talking :D

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Best thing I did today...
Got my friend something she needed and couldnt get herself

Insane thought for the day...
I wonder how big Lobo is really going to get?